Tuesday 7 June


The race to maximize 5G ROI is on. From voice and data to fixed wireless access to innovative IoT and multi-party offerings. Discover how CSG Encompass has your commercialization requirements covered.

In this session, you will learn how to:

  • Manage the intricate, connected partnerships that are driving new commercial opportunities
  • Collaborate and co-create digital services as unique as your customers are in a digital marketplace
  • Innovate with partners, from onboarding and offer creation to settlements and dispute management – then quote, fulfil, and monetize those offers to business and retail customers
  • Scale to a limitless number of partners and services, leveraging cloud, open interfaces, microservices and zero-touch practices
  • Knock down data silos, improve business outcomes and build brand loyalty with an integrated customer engagement platform

James Kirby, SVP & Head of EMEA, CSG


CSG’s network product portfolio provides an end-to-end integrated commercialization solution to capture the maximum business value from MTN’s networks from 3G to 4G/5G and beyond. 

Join this session to discover how you can leverage CSG’s unrivalled expertise in delivering and supporting market-leading network products and solutions for B2C, IoT, B2B and roaming traffic across all subscriber types and for all “G’s”.

We will discuss:

  • CSG’s Network Product Portfolio
  • How CSG enables the coexistence of 3G/4G and 5G networks with seamless interworking between multiple OSS/BSS stacks and multiple technologies
  • How CSG can empower MTN to successfully monetize roaming traffic by elevating the end-user experience with hyper personalized engagements – all from one centralized solution

Mayoor Mahendra, VP Networks, CSG

Wednesday 8 June


Building the largest and most valuable platforms to deliver innovative services across different individual needs such as communicating, financial stability and health and wellbeing requires MTN to deliver leading-edge experiences and truly understand their customers across these platforms. This ambition and strategy will compound what is already considered great challenges for many organisations; such as gleaning customer insights from large swathes of data, acting on these insights effectively and timely as well as delivering consistent and personal experience during the same service, let alone multiple services and platforms targeting the same individual.

Join this session to discover how MTN can achieve the following across platforms, products and services:

  • Recognise customers as distinct individuals, and their behaviours
  • Design consistent personal experiences and journeys and accelerate their deployment through no/low code like tools
  • Orchestrate real-time personalised journeys and analyse cross platform journey performance

Tarik Helmy, Executive Director, Product Management, CSG

Laurence Egglesfield, VP Experiences Practice, CSG


Roaming settlement is changing significantly as a result of 5G, the introduction of home routing concepts and new BCE standards from the GSMA.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How 5G Wholesale Roaming is undergoing disruption
  • Why the GSMA is introducing new BCE standards to replace TAP
  • How CSG’s solution for BCE will help to monetize 5G and related IoT services

Balaji Srinivasan, Product Director, CSG

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

This event is by invitation only.