Paper and Envelope Market Conditions Update
Tuesday, February 22nd 1PM MT
We invite you to join Mike Woods, VP of Output Solutions in a discussion around what is happening in the market right now and how you can protect your bottom line and prepare for the continued evolution in the output market. As a valued customer, CSG would like to share details around the changing paper and envelope markets and what you and your business can do to help prepare for them. This webinar is a perfect opportunity to benefit from his expertise, prepare for a sustainable future, and participate in a live, interactive Q&A session at the end of the event where we will answer your questions and concerns.
CSG is here to help you manage the evolving inflationary environment, supply chain challenges, and changing nature of the paper markets. In this webinar, we will cover the changes we are seeing in paper and envelope markets and discuss ways that you can work with us to manage these changes to set your business up for success.
In this webinar, in addition to an update on the overall market, we will briefly cover ways to ensure you’re getting the most value from your communications, with strategies including:
• Standardizing your envelopes and paper to ensure you are taking advantage of CSG’s significant purchasing power.
• How to maximize the value of a bill or statement – personalized advertising or customer education messages are proven to increase customer engagement, increase revenue, and drive action.
• Ensure your communications are driving down, rather than increasing, calls to your call center. Well designed communications, backed by consumer research, lead to fewer calls – up to a 20% call reduction within 3 months.
Michael Woods
VP of Output Solutions
As vice president of Output Solutions at CSG, Mike Woods and his team help clients solve their toughest communications challenges by improving the way companies communicate with their customers to drive consumer action and dispel confusion. Mike brings over a decade of experience in finance, operations, and business development, offering a unique perspective on document strategy and the future of the business. Prior to this role, Mike was VP Operations at Business Ink, Co., which was integrated into CSG in 2018.
Date & Time
Tuesday, February 22nd 1PM MT